
How to Become a Professional Esports Player

Figure 1 It is possible to become a pro gamer – but it won’t be easy

Most people who play video games think that they are pretty good. When you are at home with friends, you may even be able to beat them all at your chosen game. But making the jump to pro gaming is something altogether different. That’s not to say it is impossible, there are plenty of professional esports players these days. Just don’t go kidding yourself that you can go pro just because you are the best on your block.

Esports have grown enormously in popularity in the last few years. Big tech companies and actual sports organizations and leagues now bankroll what was once a niche pursuit. There is so much interest in esports that you can use your MyBookie welcome bonus to bet on big global events.

But how do you turn your skills into a job if you have a little gaming talent? What do you need to do to give yourself a chance of becoming a pro esports player?

Find Your Game

Most of us have our favorite games. You might really like the GTA series. Or you might have translated your love of soccer into playing FIFA. But if you are serious about becoming an esports pro, you will probably have to make a decision on which game you are really good at, and stick with it.

There will always be downtime when you can pick up the controller and play something else. But if this is to be your job you will have to get as skilled as you can on one title. The plan is to enter and win tournaments, so you only need to find your best game and concentrate on that game.

Get Pro Equipment

If you play esports and other video games a lot, you will likely already have a pretty impressive gaming setup. Almost everyone seemed to upgrade their equipment during the lockdowns, so you are hopefully starting off from a good place. But you must still pay good money to get the best equipment possible.

Do your research and find out from the gaming community what is needed for the pro level at your chosen game. Every gamer is different but you will be looking to get the best controllers if you play on a console, and keyboards and monitors if you play an esport that is PC-based.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Do we really have to explain this one? No one ever got good at anything by magic. If you want to become the best, you must put the hours in. Pro esports players can practice for ten hours a day or more – and you should constantly be reviewing your games to see where you can improve.

Doing your research also means watching how your competitors play. You will be able to pick up valuable insight into potential future opponents, but also to improve your game. When you have put in the practice you will notice how much better you are getting, and talent scouts might start to notice you too.

Get Your Name Out There

We just touched on the role of talent scouts in the esports business. Like more traditional sports, these scouts will be watching the lower-level events in the hope of unearthing someone they think could be an esports star. So part of becoming a pro is getting your name known in the first place.

Obviously, you will need to start winning games and events to get noticed. But you can also become more active in the gaming community. This will put you in touch with like-minded souls and do wonders to fill up your contacts book. You should also be able to boost your skills along the way.

Join Forces

By becoming a known name, or face, in the gaming community, you will also be giving yourself the chance to join a team. It obviously depends on what esport you are playing, but many of the top titles are team games. If you are able to join an existing team, it will give you more chance of breaking through to the pros.

If you find yourself at the center of a good online community for your chosen esport, you may even want to think about creating your own team. You will get to know players who complement your talents and could be your way in. At the very least you will be able to find a good group of gamers that all have the same aims and goals.

Figure 2 Definitely don’t give up at the first sign of trouble

Enter Tournaments

Of course, you want to compete at the biggest events like The International. But, as with anything worthwhile, you must put the hours in and climb up the levels before you can play against the best. You may even take a while to get going, but you will never become a pro esports player if you never actually enter an event.

Start with the smaller tournaments to get used to competition play – and you will soon find that it is a lot different when the opposition is not just your friends! Keep up your practice and improve and you will move up to play against the bigger names if you are any good. Then it is down to you as to just how high you can go.

Look After Yourself

A lot of this guide has been focused on putting in the hard work and practicing until you can’t play anymore. But you also need to be careful about burning out. Part of your daily routine should be making sure you are resting and recuperating, as much as you are playing your game.

You need to look after your physical and mental health to succeed in such a challenging environment. That means doing exercise and also thinking about your posture and relaxation techniques. You have to be in the best frame of mind to become a professional. Hopefully, you can take all of this on board, and have the requisite skills, to go all the way and become a pro yourself.

Noman Sarwar

Noman Sarwar is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website or brand. He is creating content about technology, SEO, and Marketing etc. Let the right words be offered to the audience in a great way that has the potential to ensure success and get something you are looking for.

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