
How to Boost Your Onboarding Process with a Social Intranet

Starting a new job and meeting with new colleagues on the first day can be a challenging task for many peoples. As an employer, putting the time between signing the contract with the company and the first day of work to the right use creates perfect business sense. This is an astonishing open door where recently added team members are energetic to draw in with their new work residence. It will save time on onboarding once they start and decrease time-to-performance, which means they create value faster. One innovative tool that has emerged to enhance the onboarding experience is the social intranet.

In this blog post, we will investigate how associations can use a social intranet to upgrade their onboarding cycle.

What is Social Intranet?

A social intranet is a kind of intranet (an inner correspondence organization) that works with cooperation and correspondence inside an association. This type of intranet utilizes features that are comparable to those of a social media platform, like emoji reactions, an activity feed and personal profile pictures with bios. By utilizing the intranet, workers can connect with one another similarly; they’d interact on the social media forum. It is also a central hub where team members can conveniently access all resources and necessary information in a single location. Whether it’s for information or communication retrieval, a social intranet is thoughtfully crafted to be your organization’s all-in-one destination. 

Boosting Your Onboarding Process with a Social Intranet

Social intranets are becoming progressively advanced that incorporate many features to enhance employees’ task performance. It’s memorable’s essential that the principal substance of a social intranet lies in its likeness to online entertainment stages. The paramount attributes of an intranet should revolve around promoting social interactions and behaviors. Below we describe how to boost your onboarding process with a special intranet:

Automate The Onboarding Process

Utilizing a computerized onboarding stage guarantees a uniform onboarding process for each recently onboarded worker inside the association. This speeds up the method, improving its quality and reducing repetitive administrative work customarily connected with onboarding. New workers can immediately submerge themselves in their undertakings and tasks. A significant feature of powerful worker onboarding includes the arrangement of relevant data definitively when it is required. The robotized intranet normalizes all onboarding processes and adds to a great encounter by taking care of individual prerequisites and supporting commitment.

Virtual social Experience 

One of the greatest difficulties for new onboards is experiencing issues associating with individuals in their group. Social experience facilitates the method involved with interfacing with colleagues while working from a distance and makes the onboarding experience more powerful. Intranet highlights oblige fresh recruits to associate with their scattered colleagues and share their thoughts uninhibitedly, which makes them agreeable towards working better. Texting devices, sharing information or data, and social elements like labeling preferring, sharing, and lifting joint effort between colleagues. This additionally assists with guzzling the association culture with the new joiners.

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Deliver a Personalized Experience 

Each incoming employee is unique from diverse departments or possesses individual profiles, policies and objectives. This is where the intranet is an essential device to tweak the onboarding venture for newcomers, taking care of their particular jobs, groups, profiles and divisions. Its customized approach guarantees that everyone gets onboarding data and materials lined up with their prerequisites and position. Accordingly, this approach further develops work responsibilities and efficiency to increment agent joy inside the affiliation.

Online Learning 

In the current landscape of uncertainties surrounding onboarding, conducting a simultaneous onboarding session for all employees can be challenging. With new hires joining various departments and not reporting to the same manager, a contemporary intranet offers a solution that greatly enhances the onboarding process. This approach discards the prerequisite for, as of late, added colleagues to keep it together for express-bearing projects, restricting the reliance on mentor availability. Therefore, representatives gain fast and unhindered admittance to an abundance of information assets that guarantee a consistent and useful growth opportunity that adds to their general turn of events.

Centralized Resources 

Adapting to a novel work environment can be a gradual process for freshly onboarded employees. When needing immediate access to co-workers for guidance, the experience can become overwhelming, especially in a dispersed workplace. Navigating through extensive information to pinpoint the relevant details without squandering valuable time can be a cumbersome endeavor. To alleviate this, a centralized hub for accessing crucial resources and documents, streamlined through a single entry point, can significantly alleviate their stress levels and enhance their engagement. 

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Individual Visual Profiles 

A significant aspect of numerous social intranets is the incorporation of user profiles. Within this feature, every individual has the opportunity to establish their personal biography and upload a profile picture, mirroring the familiar process observed on social media platforms. This intelligent component stretches out the potential for representatives to draw in with each other on a more significant level, cultivating a more grounded feeling of association and commonality inside the working environment. Its significance is particularly pronounced in entirely or partially remote teams, where associating faces with names might pose challenges.

Make The Answer Easy To Find 

The initial days of a new job often entail a deluge of information. While certain employees prefer seeking clarifications, others opt to navigate the learning curve independently. Guaranteeing the availability of comprehensive answers online allows colleagues, managers or mentors to address queries while also directing individuals to the online portal as the primary information source. Managers should, however, ensure that these answers remain easily accessible, enabling employees to locate the required information promptly, as and when required.

Final Words

Integrating a social intranet into your onboarding cycle is vital to opening momentous upgrades. A social intranet can greatly enhance employee integration and engagement during the crucial onboarding phase by fostering seamless communication, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. The stage’s intelligent highlights empower fresh recruits to interface, learn, and contribute quickly, supporting a feeling of having a place and reason. Embrace the force of a social intranet to raise your onboarding cycle and develop a flourishing, interconnected labor force.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik is a technology enthusiast who has a deep passion for blogging. As the founder of, he constantly writes about advanced technology, seeking ways to empower individuals, brands, and businesses to prevail and succeed in today's highly competitive landscape. Fawad takes pleasure in sharing the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the passionate community connected with his blog.

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