What is Keyword Clustering? How to Do it Right?

Keyword clustering is doing a wonderful job of attracting customers and organic traffic to business websites. Usually, people search for a specific object or product, and the main product arrives because business websites utilize keyword clusters. This means a particular product may have different identities in the gross market, and customers search for that name instead of its actual name. In this case, the keyword clustering strategy helps customers to find their preferred product.

In this article, we will tell you about what keyword clustering actually is and how to do it in the right way.

What is Keyword Clustering?

Keyword clustering is a process that refers to making a cluster of relevant keywords into a theme on website pages. The main objective of keyword clustering is to help customers in finding their preferred product.

How to Make a Keyword Cluster

It is essential for companies or businesses to find out the right way to make a keyword cluster to provide comfort to their customers. Here you will get to know about the effective way of making keyword clusters:

Keyword Research 

Firstly, knowing which keyword is relevant to other keywords is crucial to make a cluster of all relevant keywords. You are allowed to conduct research by using some of the effective keyword searching tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, and more to identify similar keywords. Choose the keywords that share similar intent, content and topic and design a group of these keywords. This group will help you to save money on blogging on the same topic twice or thrice.

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Grouping Keywords

Organize the researched keywords into logical groups or clusters. Your computer enables you to use spreadsheets and mind-mapping tools such as MindNode and Ayoa. Instead, you are also allowed to utilize specialized SEO platforms to group them in an accurate and efficient manner. The cluster of similar keywords should have five to fifteen keywords to showcase the relevancy.

Identify the Mian Topic

Now it is time to identify the main topic they share to head on content creation. Conduct thorough research on your made clusters of similar keywords and find out the main intent or topic they share. In addition, research the topic and gain information about the topic from experts. Here, you are free to craft quality content.

Craft Content

Craft high-quality content around each keyword cluster. While making content, It should be considered that each piece of content should cover various aspects of the main topic. This will address different angles and questions that users might have in their minds. You need to produce cohesive and engaging content that should have the ability to catch the attention of the audience. Aim for in-depth, credible resources that can provide genuine value.

Assign a Pillar Page

After crafting content within the cluster, you should choose one topic to be the pillar page. The pillar page needs to cover the main topic broadly and accurately. Now, you should link this out to the other pages within the same cluster that cover specific subtopics in more detail. The pillar page helps you to maintain relevancy in your topics to aid you in delivering relevant content to establish yourself as an authority.

Optimize On-page Elements

It is essential for you to optimize each and every piece of content within a cluster for its respective keyword. The optimization of on-page elements includes meta titles, meta descriptions and headers. It also contains incorporating the keywords naturally into the content. This optimization makes your website effective in attracting organic traffic to your site. Also, you should ensure keyword stuffing to make your content more attractive.

Internal Linking

You should interlink the content strategically within each cluster. Link the subtopics to the pillar page and vice versa. This approach helps users to navigate through related content and signals to search engines the interconnectedness of your content. It assists search engines to decide which rank your website deserves.

Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization refers to an SEO problem where different pages on a website vie for the same Google rankings. This can lead to confusion and reduced organic traffic. Therefore, ensure that different pages within a cluster target different long-tail keywords or variations of the main keyword. This prevents keyword cannibalization, where multiple pages compete for the same keyword.

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Monitoring and Adjusting Regularly

Keep a close eye on the performance of your keyword clusters using analytics tools. Monitor rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics. If certain clusters are not performing as expected, consider adjusting your content or keyword targeting. This approach may aid you in maintaining your existing ranking or gaining a high ranking as well.


Keyword clustering requires patience and ongoing effort, but the rewards in terms of improved SEO and user engagement are well worth it. By strategically organizing your content around related topics, you’re not only appealing to search engines but also creating a valuable resource that keeps your audience coming back for more. So, go ahead and unlock the power of keyword clustering to elevate your digital presence and establish yourself as an authoritative voice in your industry.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik is a technology enthusiast who has a deep passion for blogging. As the founder of, he constantly writes about advanced technology, seeking ways to empower individuals, brands, and businesses to prevail and succeed in today's highly competitive landscape. Fawad takes pleasure in sharing the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the passionate community connected with his blog.

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